Tankers - Proven capability to support clients for Oil Major and CDI
Vetting inspection and acceptance support
KPI based monitoring of ship management activities to deliver the set
Effective Cost Management to operate vessels at +/- 5% of budgetary
Strong and thorough Crew Selection Process to ensure competence and
A commitment to train for enhancing competence and performance
level of seafarers
Dry - dock Support to provide clients with experience backed solutions
that are both time and cost competitive
Operating diversified fleet of VLCC, Suezmax, Aframax tankers, LR2 and
Handymax type vessels
All Ships in fleet are to comply with: National & International regulations Class
rules, Industry standards (IMO,OCIMF,ISGOTT,ISO/SEP), Oil major's criteria
Optimal maintenance system by: Annual major works plan, PMS, Planned
Inspections, Spare part logistics
Provides operational guidelines for critical activities: Ship operating manuals,
Ships specific manuals, implemented in daily work on board and ashore
Close cooperation with owners by regular reporting and meetings
Understanding special needs of owners and flexible solutions tailored to meet
client's requirement